
Citizen Patrol & Community Watch are crime prevention and crime interruption programs supported by the Saskatoon Police Service and the public.  They are designed to create a safer community.

Become a Citizen Patrol volunteer.  What you need: a positive attitude, enjoying fresh air and exercise, and becoming acquainted with your neighbours by walking, riding a bike, jogging, or driving around the neighbourhood.  Volunteers work in teams, are identifiable by their vests, and carry a flashlight and cell phone.  They patrol parks, schoolyards, strip malls, and residential areas, investing as much spare time as they can offer: one hour at a time or more!

Community Watch uses news releases and community statistics to keep people up-to-date with what’s going on in their community.  It enables the SPS to keep people aware of any suspicious persons or vehicles in the area, as well as advertise community events.

If you would like more information or to become involved as a citizen patrol volunteer, please contact Constable Rolanda McAvoy by phone 975-2265 or email